• Anderson, Katie
    Senior Director, Business, Food and Forests

    Areas of expertise: Corporate sustainability strategy, agricultural supply chain sustainability, agricultural methane, deforestation, jurisdictional approaches

  • Baxter, Andrew
    Senior Director, Business and Energy Transition

    Areas of expertise: Oil and gas, methane emissions, sustainable finance

  • Borkenhagen, Lea
    Senior Vice President, EDF + Business

    Areas of expertise: Private sector engagement and partnerships, environmental science and policy, net zero transition, retail and consumer goods

  • Cronin , Michael
    Program Coordinator, EDF Climate Corps

    Areas of expertise: EDF Climate Corps, environmental policy, advocacy, corporate sustainability

  • Gao, Peng
    Senior Manager, + Biz

    Areas of expertise: Green supply chain, Climate Corps and carbon emission reduction

  • Haider, Maaz
    Manager, Electric Truck Transition

    Areas of expertise: Freight electrification, fleet vehicles, green supply chain, corporate partnerships, business and the environment

  • Hill, Daniel
    Director, Business and Innovation

    Areas of expertise: Environmental Innovation, Incubators and Accelerators, Design-thinking, Social Entrepreneurship

  • Hiller, Jake
    Senior Manager, EDF+Business

    Areas of expertise: Corporate partnerships, energy management strategy, energy efficiency finance

  • Hu, QIN
    VP, Chief Representative China

    Areas of expertise: Climate and energy policy, environmental enforcement, emission trading and carbon market, green supply chain, green finance, ecosystems.

  • Kapate, Vrashabh
    Manager, Dairy Industry, EDF+Business

    Areas of expertise: Dairy, Corporate Partnerships, Developing Economies

  • Kodis, Maliʻo
    Manager, Partnerships, Climate Corps

    Areas of expertise: Developing emerging climate leaders, building corporate, public, and non-profit partnerships, corporate sustainability, strategic climate change mitigation and adaptation

  • Marsh-Robinson, Marilynn
    Director, Partnerships & Outreach

    Areas of expertise: Energy efficiency, environmental justice, diverse allies and constituencies

  • Mundol, Hisham
    Chief Advisor, India

    Areas of expertise: Climate strategy, innovation, Indian pathway to shared and sustainable prosperity

  • Murray, Tom
    Executive Vice President, Solutions

    Areas of expertise: Forging unexpected partnerships that catalyze environmental leadership and collaboration across industries, organizations and supply chains

  • Neupert, Stephanie
    Program Coordinator, EDF Climate Corps

    Areas of expertise: Customer success, corporate sustainability, project management

  • Pavlik Slenk, Yesh
    Director, Climate Corps®

    Areas of expertise: Climate Corps, corporate partnerships, corporate sustainability, community management, climate career mentoring

  • Pereira, Andrea
    Manager, Corporate Climate Leadership

    Areas of expertise: Policy advocacy, partnerships, corporate sustainability and social responsibility

  • Shenette, Ellen
    Director, Net Zero Action Accelerator

    Areas of expertise: Corporate partnerships, Net Zero, energy efficiency, renewable energy, sustainability strategy

  • Sturcken, Elizabeth
    Managing Director

    Areas of expertise: Corporate partnerships, business and the environment, green supply chain

  • Thomas, Ben
    Senior Policy Director, Agriculture

    Areas of expertise: Agricultural and food law, policy implementation, political strategy, coalition building