We can rebuild a better, healthier, more just world – and solve the climate crisis

House Climate Committee unveils bold ideas for climate action

EDF is working to rebuild better.

House Select Committee on the Climate Crisis has released a major report on climate solutions [PDF]. The Committee, led by Rep. Kathy Castor of Florida, makes recommendations for bold action to combat the growing climate crisis and create a healthier, safer and more just future for all.


EDF has long supported comprehensive climate solutions that spur action across the US economy to achieve a 100% clean economy. As we begin to repair the COVID-battered economy, we have a chance to make it better for everyone. The Climate Crisis Action Plan provides a vision for how America can rebuild better and more equitably through investments in clean energy and family-sustaining jobs; affordable, non-polluting transportation; and more resilient communities better prepared to withstand extreme weather along our coasts and across our farmlands.

We must build a world where the air is cleaner, communities are healthier, and opportunities are greater. Congress should move quickly to put these ideas into legislative action.