3 acciones críticas para la equidad del agua en las comunidades latinas de California — ¡apúrense!

2 years 11 months ago

Es una paradoja penosa para California: Algunos de los mismos trabajadores agrícolas que recogen nuestra comida no pueden beber un vaso de agua limpia, o ni siquiera tener agua, en fregadero de la cocina.

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Ana Lucia Garcia Briones

3 critical actions for water equity in California’s Latino communities – ¡apúrense!

2 years 11 months ago

As Hispanic Heritage Month comes to a close while the drought in California stubbornly marches on, here are three critical steps state and local leaders need to take to address water equity.

The post 3 critical actions for water equity in California’s Latino communities – ¡apúrense! first appeared on Growing Returns.
Ana Lucia Garcia Briones

Small California farmers are often overlooked in water policy. Here’s a look at their unique challenges.

3 years 8 months ago

California's small-scale farmers are often left out of the water policy discussion. Ruth Dahlquist-Willard shares what SGMA means for her and other small-scale farmers in the San Joaquin Valley.

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Ana Lucia Garcia Briones

California leaders finally stepped up on clean, affordable water. One small water district explains this challenge.

5 years 1 month ago

Gov. Gavin Newsom has signed long-overdue legislation to dedicate up to $130 million a year to provide clean, affordable drinking water to more than 1 million Californians who still lack access to this vital resource. The legislation creates the Safe and Affordable Drinking Water Fund to help cash-strapped, smaller water systems, which primarily serve rural, low-income communities.

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Ana Lucia Garcia Briones

Enough with the delays. Here’s why California’s rural communities need safe drinking water now.

5 years 4 months ago

California was the first state in our nation to recognize the fundamental right to water through legislation in 2012. It’s unacceptable that little has changed seven years later. The nearly 1 million Californians without safe, affordable water should not be left behind one more day.

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Ana Lucia Garcia Briones

California’s rural water systems needs leaders. Who will step up next?

6 years 8 months ago

There I was again, in the car on Highway 99, on my way from San Francisco to Visalia, in the heart of California’s San Joaquin Valley. I had made the trip a dozen times over the past year. But this trip was different. This time I was headed to a reunion. Back in December 2016, […]

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Ana Lucia Garcia Briones

New film shows that clean water isn’t a guarantee for many in California

7 years 6 months ago

National Geographic’s new film, “Water & Power: A California Heist,” explores the impacts of California’s drought and the San Joaquin Valley’s groundwater crisis, and highlights issues surrounding the state’s water rights and the powerful interests that sometimes control them. The film, which uses beautiful cinematography and testimonials from lawyers, water managers and residents, offers a […]

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Ana Lucia Garcia Briones

Why one wet winter won’t solve California’s water problems

7 years 7 months ago

It’s been a good winter for drought-stricken California. Record-breaking precipitation in January has raised reservoir levels and added to the essential Sierra Nevada snowpack. According to the National Weather Service, some parts of the state received over 200 percent average precipitation for January, and current snowpack levels are at 173 percent of average. This is […]

The post Why one wet winter won’t solve California’s water problems first appeared on Growing Returns.
Ana Lucia Garcia Briones

Water heroes emerge in California’s Central Valley

7 years 9 months ago

California’s Central Valley, which stretches 450 miles from Redding in the north to Bakersfield in the south, is the nation’s richest agricultural region, producing 40 percent of our fruit, vegetables and nuts on nearly 9 million acres of irrigated farmland. The Valley is also ground zero for California’s water problems. As California endures its fifth […]

The post Water heroes emerge in California’s Central Valley first appeared on Growing Returns.
Ana Lucia Garcia Briones

From Mexico City to San Francisco: A multi-national perspective on water management

8 years 5 months ago
On World Water Day, I am reminded of what brought me to the Environmental Defense Fund: a passion for working on market-based incentive programs to improve groundwater management in California, ultimately benefiting multiple, diverse communities. Born and raised in Mexico City, I moved to San Francisco to work on drought-related problems in California. It has […]
Ana Lucia Garcia Briones
49 minutes 29 seconds ago
Ana Lucia Garcia Briones: Growing Returns
Building resilient land and water systems that allow people and nature to prosper in a changing climate.
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