Reports and publications

  • This paper explains how jurisdictional HFLD credits meet integrity and additionality thresholds for fungibility.

  • This report from Environmental Defense Fund and WSP USA summarizes the significant investments in the electric vehicle (EV) ecosystem that have been announced over the past 8 years. This includes announced investments in EV, EV battery, and battery component manufacturing.

  • Based on the status quo of climate-related information disclosure within China, this paper proposes suggestions for climate-related information disclosure for key emission industries and financial institutions to provide relevant references for climate-related information disclosure in China.

  • This report analyzes the experience and characteristics of carbon market information disclosure in China, the European Union (EU), and the U.S., and puts forward relevant policy recommendations from the aspects of the standard system, disclosure platform, capacity building, and supervision and management under the current situation and challenges.

  • The Sabin Center for Climate Change Law and Environmental Defense Fund have just launched This free online resource includes a searchable database that catalogues all of the climate change-related provisions in the 2022 Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), as well as a tracker that records actions taken by federal agencies to implement those provisions.

  • Agricultural Technology Discovery Report

    Type: Report

    Date: March 6, 2023

    This EDF report examines the intersection between agriculture, technology, the environment and society, particularly how these areas can support and enhance one another.

  • The Coming Fight Over Sustainable Aviation Fuels

    Type: Fact Sheet

    Date: March 6, 2023

    A new climate law offers a big boost to sustainable aviation fuels – but the details matter. The Biden administration must avoid subsidizing fuels whose production would do more harm to than good.

  • Can insurance save us from disaster?

    Type: Column/Article

    Date: March 1, 2023

    Households with Insurance recover faster from disaster, but many people don't have the coverage they need to face floods, wildfires and other extreme weather events. EDF and partners are developing new insurance products that can help bring coverage to more people with less cost, and build resilience to a changing climate. 

  • Back in December, the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities released a revised straw proposal for the development of charging infrastructure for zero-emission medium- and heavy-duty vehicles throughout the state.

  • New York and New Jersey MHDV Fleet Workshop Report

    Type: Report

    Date: February 15, 2023

    Summary report for online workshop hosted by Atlas Public Policy and the Environmental Defense Fund held on October 17, 2022.