Danielle Carey
Senior Analyst, Global Shipping
Areas of expertise:
Energy transition, shipping, projects, partnerships
Danielle is a Senior Analyst for Environmental Defense Fund’s Global Shipping team. Danielle engages with innovation and policies aimed at accelerating the energy transition of the shipping sector and deployment of sustainable technologies. Danielle leads projects and builds partner relationships both within EDF and externally. She works to ensure our projects can deliver feasible science-based solutions to shipping’s decarbonization while providing near-term benefits to communities and the environment.
Danielle previously held reporting and permitting roles at Natural Resources Wales before undertaking science education administration positions at Imperial College London and RBG Kew Gardens. Between the move, she spent some time in Malaysia, assisting a local university in field work for and research on marine plastic pollution in mangrove ecosystems.
1:1 (with Honors) BSc Environmental Science, University of Plymouth, 2017.
Su Yin Chee, Yee Xin Chai, Carey, D., Yusri Yusup and Gallagher, J. (2019). Anthropogenic marine debris and its dynamics across peri-urban and urban mangroves on Penang Island, Malaysia. doi:https://doi.org/10.1101/756106.
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