(Washington, D.C.- February 10, 2022) Today, Sen. Tom Carper (D-DE), Sen. Bill Cassidy (R-LA) and Rep. Lisa Blunt Rochester (D-DE) introduced bipartisan legislation that will address the climate-fueled flood crisis facing our nation. The Shoreline Health Oversight, Restoration, Resilience, and Enhancement Act (SHORRE Act) will deliver significant investments in solutions, such as natural infrastructure, to better protect communities from comprehensive flood risks. 

“From coast to coast, more Americans are experiencing the effects of worsening floods, and the climate crisis is only increasing these impacts. The SHORRE Act is an important piece of legislation to address our nation’s flood crisis. It will empower the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to develop holistic solutions to address comprehensive flood risks across our nation’s coasts and watersheds. It will advance bold solutions, including major investments in nature-based solutions, to increase the climate resilience of communities from the flood risks that are here and growing. We have an urgent window of opportunity to act, and we need legislation like the SHORRE Act to provide a vital lifeline for our most vulnerable communities. We thank Sens. Carper and Cassidy and Rep. Blunt Rochester for their leadership in introducing this innovative legislation, and we look forward to working with other members of Congress to move this and similar solutions forward.” 

  • Elizabeth Gore, Senior Vice President, Political Affairs, Environmental Defense Fund

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Jacques Hebert