Today, Pennsylvania State Democratic Senate Leader Jay Costa circulated a co-sponsorship memo in advance of introducing legislation that will instruct the Environmental Quality Board (EQB) to enact a limit on carbon pollution from the power sector. The goal as set out in the memo is to reduce power sector carbon pollution by 90 percent by 2040 relative to baseline emissions. Placing a declining limit on pollution – and enabling a flexible, market-based framework for compliance – will secure cost-effective pollution reductions. This will drive investments in economic development, renewable energy and energy efficiency, helping consumers save money on electric bills.

Pennsylvania is the third largest greenhouse gas polluting state and is home to the fifth dirtiest power sector in the nation. A declining limit on power sector carbon emissions is critical to achieving the climate goals laid out by Gov. Tom Wolf in his January 8 executive order and demonstrating leadership consistent with Pennsylvania's commitment under the U.S. Climate Alliance.

"Placing a limit on power sector carbon emissions is the most effective way for Pennsylvania to value zero- and low-emission power generation assets. Implementing a competitive market-driven system will set Pennsylvania on the road toward meeting Gov. Wolf's climate goals, guarantee the critical reductions in pollution needed from the power sector and begin to develop the policy framework necessary to achieve a carbon free economy by mid-century."

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Elaine Labalme
(412) 996-4112