With Proposed Delisting of Black-Capped Vireo “The Warbler Wars Are Over”

Statement of David Wolfe, Director of Conservation Strategy and Habitat Markets, Environmental Defense Fund

December 14, 2016
Chandler Clay, (302) 598-7559, cclay@edf.org

(AUSTIN, TX – December 14, 2016)

“The Service’s proposed delisting of the black-capped vireo is a clear indication that a collaborative approach to conservation, when combined with incentives, is a tremendously powerful tool for species recovery.

“The warbler wars of the mid-1990s are truly over, thanks to the efforts of Texas ranchers who have stepped up in large numbers to restore and conserve this bird’s habitat. It just goes to show what public and private investment, combined with regulatory assurances and the strong stewardship ethic of landowners, can accomplish.”

- David Wolfe, Director of Conservation Strategy and Habitat Markets, Environmental Defense Fund

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