Grading the nation: Lead pipe disclosure policies
How does your state measure up?

Click the image to access the interactive map. Find overall state grades, disclosure requirements, and documentation (when available).
Lead service lines — the lead pipes connecting water mains under the street to homes and other buildings — are the main source of lead in contact with drinking water. Homebuyers deserve to know about this liability when they choose a home and negotiate a price. When done properly, removing the full lead service lines significantly reduces the risk of exposure.
What we did
EDF analyzed and graded the housing disclosure policies of all US states and the District of Columbia according to their ability to help homebuyers make informed decisions about lead service lines before they sign a sales contract.
What we found
Four states — Connecticut, Delaware, New York, and Pennsylvania — and the District of Columbia scored an A-. Twenty-one states scored a D or F. The remaining 25 states scored a B or C. The highest grade we gave was an A- to reflect the fact that even the top performing states have room for improvement.
Opportunities for improvement
EDF sees significant opportunities for states to help protect homeowners from lead by improving their disclosure requirements. Water utilities can help this effort by informing all property owners if they are likely to have a lead service line. Home inspectors can also help by checking the service line as it comes into the home and letting the buyer know whether or not it is lead and recommending replacement.
What if my home has a LSL?
If you are concerned that you may have a LSL, call your water utility to find out more. You can also check out NPR’s online tool to investigate yourself.
Additional resources
- Blog post
City of Washington, DC requires lead pipe disclosure and tackles past partial LSL replacements
- Article
Research to Move Toward Evidence-Based Recommendations for Lead Service Line Disclosure Policies in Home Buying and Home Renting Scenarios
- Blog post
New report grades every state on disclosure of lead pipes in homes
- Blog post
People deserve to know if lead pipes and paint are present where they live and work
- Blog post
Mapping lead service lines: DC Water offers a model for utilities across the nation
- Blog post
Cincinnati and Ohio show leadership in identifying and disclosing lead service lines
- Website
Lead Service Line Replacement Collaborative
Our health experts
Lindsay McCormick
Senior Program Manager, Safer Chemicals
Keith Gaby
(202) 572-3336 (office)