Reports and publications

  • Charting Pathways for India’s Carbon Market

    Type: Report

    Date: September 11, 2024

    From G20 to the Global South: The Road to Carbon Markets

  • Nitrogen Balance Trials in Bihar

    Type: Fact Sheet

    Date: September 11, 2024

    Improving Fertilizer Use Efficiency for Farmers, Communities, and the Climate in Rural India

  • Three nominees by President Joe Biden to serve on the nation’s top energy regulatory panel, which had risked losing a quorum, were approved last week by the U.S. Senate.

  • Air Quality Data Directory

    Type: Link

    Date: September 4, 2024

    EDF has created a central directory of air pollutant emissions databases and relevant tools for advocacy.

  • This EDF research identifies challenges and opportunities for achieving an inclusive just transition to a low-carbon economy in the labor market, a just labor transition (JLT). Authors conduct a comparative analysis of JLT policies between developed and developing countries.

  • This report summarizes the significant private investments in the electric vehicle (EV) ecosystem that have been announced over the past 9 years. This includes announced investments in manufacturing EVs, EV components, EV batteries, EV battery components, and EV battery recycling. This is the fourth iteration of this report with earlier versions of the report issued every six months since March 2023.

  • Katrina’s wake-up call: The urgency of climate action now

    Type: Column/Article

    Date: August 16, 2024

    Op-ed discusses how, as we approach Katrina’s 19th anniversary, the decisions we make on Election Day will determine whether we can prevent future superstorms.

  • Last week Governor Roy Cooper hosted Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Michael Regan at The Nature Conservancy’s Green Swamp Preserve to announce EPA’s historic $421 million grant to North Carolina and three surrounding states, dedicated to the protection and restoration of wetlands, forests and coastal habitats. This investment will play an essential role in preserving our state’s most treasured natural spaces and should be celebrated by all. These types of natural solutions to addressing the impacts of our changing climate often don’t receive as much attention as solutions we’re addressing in our power and transportation sectors, but they are critically important to achieving our overall climate resilience objectives. 

  • The emerging hydrogen market presents opportunities and risks for investors. These key principles and due diligence questions in this EDF report offer a guide.

  • Duke Energy's 2023 NC CPIRP

    Type: Report

    Date: July 23, 2024

    Analysis by leading energy analytics firm EQ Research, commissioned by EDF, shows that if Duke Energy succeeds at getting its current plan approved by the NC Utilities Commission the company’s excessive reliance on gas-powered plants could come with a high price tag for customers.