About Matthew Garrington

Matthew Garrington

Director, Regulatory & Legislative Affairs


Areas of expertise:

State and federal energy policy, federal lands


Matthew manages EDF campaigns to improve regulation of the oil and gas industry, protect air quality and curb climate emissions.


Matthew has two decades of experience working on conservation, energy policy, consumer issues, public lands and political campaigns.

Among the campaigns he’s helped lead were the successful adoption of the U.S. Bureau of Land Management’s methane waste rule, the protection of 500,000 acres of public lands near Arches and Canyonlands National Parks, an overhaul of commercial oil shale production rules on public lands, the doubling of Colorado’s use of clean energy to 20 percent, the protection of four million acres of Colorado’s roadless forests and the adoption of the nation’s toughest state laws to guard against uranium pollution and require polluters to clean up in Colorado.


B.A., Political Science with minors in Economics and Music Performance, University of Colorado at Denver (with distinction)