“The bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act President Biden has now signed into law is a valuable and necessary investment in America’s future. The President deserves great credit for working with both parties to deliver results for the American people. Now Congress must finish the job and move quickly to pass the Build Back Better Act, which offers a historic opportunity to fight climate change, create millions of jobs and advance a more equitable America.

“The bipartisan Infrastructure act is a first step towards building a stronger, cleaner economy. It includes funding for EV charging stations, clean electric buses, community resilience against natural disasters including drought, wildfires and floods, lead pipe replacement, the clean up of polluting orphan oil and gas wells, and an expansion of broadband to support farmers and rural America.

“We look forward to fast action on the Build Back Better Act, which is urgently needed to protect our economy from the threat of climate change. The plan includes strong investments that will reduce emissions from transportation, electric power, and industry — the three biggest sources of climate pollution. It will also create millions of new jobs, and promote a healthier and more equitable society.

“Together, we can boost our economy and protect our children and grandchildren from the dangers of climate change.”

  • Elizabeth Gore, Senior Vice President, Political Affairs

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Ben Schneider
(202) 572-3279