(HARRISBURG, PA. — Nov. 23, 2016) The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection today released a draft of new permits that will reduce the amount of methane and other pollution that oil and gas companies emit in Pennsylvania.

Statement from Andrew Williams, Senior State Regulatory and Legislative Affairs Manager

“Reducing oil and gas methane emissions is essential to protecting air quality and conserving an important domestic energy resource. Common sense methane controls — such as those proposed by the Wolf administration today — are cost-effective, present economic opportunities in the methane mitigation industry, and benefit public health, the environment and energy security.  We will review the proposal carefully over the coming days but we are pleased that Governor Wolf is following through on his commitment to protect Pennsylvania’s families from the impacts of oil and gas development.”

  • Andrew Williams, Senior State Regulatory and Legislative Affairs Manager, Environmental Defense Fund

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Kelsey Robinson
(512) 691-3404