(Baton Rouge, La.) This week the Louisiana Department of Natural Resources published advance notice of a draft proposed rule to address natural gas wasted through the process of venting and flaring. The proposal would end the wasteful practice of routine venting and flaring at wellsites and builds from leading state approaches that have been adopted in the states of Colorado and New Mexico. The notice will be followed by a full, formal public comment period before rules are finalized.

In 2019, oil and gas operators in Louisiana wasted 5.18 billion cubic feet (BCF) of methane – the main component of natural gas and a climate warmer 80 times more powerful than CO2 – through venting and flaring alone, or over $16 million worth of gas. That’s enough natural gas to meet the needs of nearly every household in New Orleans for a full year. Reducing this waste is a valuable solution for addressing energy waste and supporting climate security. 

“By initiating this rulemaking, Gov. Edwards' administration is taking an important step toward limiting energy waste, increasing economic competitiveness and safeguarding Louisiana’s climate security. A strong final rule from the Department of Natural Resources is an opportunity for Louisiana to deliver on the Governor’s Climate Action Plan and advance commonsense solutions that leading producers in the oil and gas industry are already implementing.”

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Matt McGee
(512) 691-3478