Environmental Defense Praises Call For National Academy of Sciences Review of Army Corps of Engineers Project

February 24, 2000

(24 February 2000 ? Washington) Environmental Defense praised Secretary Caldera’s decision today to appoint the National Academy of Sciences to review the Army Corps of Engineers study regarding the Upper Mississippi River navigation expansion project.

“Secretary Caldera has made the right move to assure a truly independent review of the Upper Mississippi River navigation expansion study,” said Environmental Defense attorney Tim Seachinger. “With the Army Corps’ own internal review of its so-called “limpwristed” plan not credible, this is the right way to begin to restore public confidence. We hope Secretary Caldera will also move quickly to protect Dr. Sweeney and the other Army Corps employees who have come forward.”

Environmental Defense, a leading national nonprofit organization based in New York, represents more than 300,000 members. Since 1967, we have linked science, economics, and law to create innovative, equitable, and cost-effective solutions to the most urgent environmental problems.
