“Congress is making good progress on a bipartisan farm bill agreement that gives farmers, ranchers and foresters the stability and assurance they rely on to produce the world’s food and fiber, but there is still more work to be done. While the House and Senate agriculture committees’ farm bill proposals have significant differences, we are encouraged to see both committees continue their progress on this critical legislation. We hope both sides can come together this year to preserve climate-smart programs giving farmers the tools they need to mitigate and adapt to more difficult growing conditions exacerbated by climate change.

“We applaud Chairwoman Stabenow’s proposal to preserve the Inflation Reduction Act’s climate-specific funding for conservation programs, which will help producers protect our food supply against increasingly frequent extreme weather events making it harder to farm across the country. We urge the House Agriculture Committee to follow suit.”

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Austin Matheny-Kawesch
(858) 395-5577