Texas well on way to meeting Clean Power Plan
EPA’s plan can spur the state’s emerging clean energy economy

Well Within Reach: How Texas Can Comply with and Benefit from the Clean Power Plan, shows Texas is well-positioned to meet its U.S. Clean Power Plan targets, the national standards designed to curb carbon pollution from existing power plants for the first time ever.
Largely based on data from Texas' primary grid operator, EDF's analysis demonstrates Texas will be 88% of the way toward compliance with the plan, merely through existing market trends.
Since Texas has an abundance of clean energy resources and potential, thoughtful policies can take the state the rest of the way there. For example, Texas leads the nation in wind energy production and has twice as much solar energy potential as the next-highest state.
The report includes recommendations for leveraging these resources, among others, to the economic benefit of the state.
Texas has a lot to gain from the Clean Power Plan, and even more to lose if our state leaders do not embrace these opportunities.
John Hall, EDF Associate Vice President, Clean Energy
The report also touches on the substantial public health and water savings benefits of transitioning to a clean energy economy.
Specifically, by 2060, the Texas Water Development Board projects Texas' electricity sector will require an additional 1.1 million acre-feet of water – or enough water to fill Lake Travis – every year to operate. By continuing to grow Texas' clean energy resources under the Clean Power Plan, Texas could completely eliminate that additional need.
Finally, Texas could truly capitalize on existing momentum and leverage its clean energy resources to help other states comply. For example, Texas could export excess renewable energy or sell carbon reduction credits to states that are less well-positioned. Doing so would enable Texas to use the Clean Power Plan to ramp up economic development.
Chart: 2030 achievability