With Infrastructure Vote, House of Representatives Chooses to Rebuild Better

EDF Statement from Elizabeth Gore, Senior Vice President, Political Affairs

July 1, 2020
Keith Gaby, kgaby@edf.org, (202) 572-3336


(WASHINGTON, DC – July 1, 2020) Today the House of Representatives voted to pass a major job-creating, national infrastructure bill that includes significant investments in clean energy and clean transportation, as well as programs to protect communities from climate impacts, replace lead service lines, put workers in our nation’s oil and gas fields back on the job cutting pollution, and much more.

“At a time when millions are still out of work, the Moving Forward Act presents a transformative plan to invest in clean transportation, clean energy and stronger, more resilient communities that will spur job growth immediately while creating the healthier future we need. By passing this bill, the House of Representatives today voted to rebuild better and help America recover from the economic damage caused by COVID-19.

“Especially with the addition of an important amendment passed with bipartisan support to invest in lead water line replacement - prioritizing low-income and environmental justice communities - this bill helps to address longstanding public health threats.

“Today’s vote and this week’s release of policy recommendations from the House Select Committee on the Climate Crisis add to growing momentum for Congress to enact practical solutions that create jobs and a safer climate for our children.

Read our blog for specifics on provisions in the Moving Forward Act that pave the way for prosperous communities and a safer climate.

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