EDF Commends Western Governors’ ESA Dialogue, But Urges Caution to Congress

Statement of Eric Holst, Associate Vice President of Working Lands, Environmental Defense Fund

June 28, 2017
Chandler Clay, (302) 598-7559, cclay@edf.org

(Washington, D.C. – June 28, 2017) The Western Governors’ Association (WGA) today released a policy resolution for improving the efficacy of the Endangered Species Act (ESA).

“Wyoming Governor Matt Mead has shown great leadership along with other western governors in bringing together multiple and diverse stakeholders to the table over the last two years to discuss ways to improve conservation efforts through the Endangered Species Act. 

“The bipartisan commitment of the western governors’ ESA Initiative honors the bipartisan history of the Endangered Species Act – a bedrock American law signed by President Richard Nixon in 1973 after receiving the unanimous support of the Senate and a near-unanimous vote in the House.  

“However, the divisive climate in Washington makes it risky for bipartisan action aimed at improving the law, and it’s critically important that Congress do nothing to undermine the integrity of the act or compromise its intentions.

“That said, certain recommendations of the WGA resolution are no-regret solutions that may be pursued through the act’s existing structure. However, other recommendations give us great concern. In either case, details will matter.”

“Notably, the policy resolution acknowledges that ‘much can be accomplished by working with DOI and the Services,’ and the western governors ‘believe that the ESA can only be reauthorized through legislation developed in a fashion that results in broad bipartisan support and maintains the intent of the ESA to protect and recover imperiled species.’ I wholly agree with this notion and hope to see the bipartisan, cooperative process continue.

“There is certainly opportunity for more innovation and collaboration with regards to the way that we manage wildlife in America. We just have to ensure that the core of the Endangered Species Act is not only maintained but strengthened so that future generations can enjoy our nation’s treasured wildlife and wild places for many years to come.”

 -          Eric Holst, Associate Vice President of Working Lands, Environmental Defense Fund 

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