EDF Applauds Ohio State Regulators for Quick Action in Responding to Alleged Waste Dumping Incident

February 8, 2013
Lauren Whittenberg, 512-691-3437, lwhittenberg@edf.org

(COLUMBUS, OH – February 8, 2013) Environmental Defense Fund commends Ohio Governor John Kasich’s administration for the swift and decisive action taken yesterday against D&L Energy and Hardrock Excavating. After reports that these operators were dumping oilfield waste into a storm sewer that empties into the Mahoning River watershed, regulators quickly took steps to confirm the reports, start clean-up operations and initiate permanent revocation of operating permits. Credit goes to Ohio Department of Natural Resources Director Jim Zehringer, Oil and Gas Division Chief Rick Simmers and Ohio Environmental Protection Agency Director Scott Nally. If proceedings prove these companies violated the law, permanent revocation of operating permits will be entirely appropriate. Gross violations of public trust should be met with zero tolerance.


Environmental Defense Fund (edf.org), a leading national nonprofit organization, creates transformational solutions to the most serious environmental problems. EDF links science, economics, law, and innovative private-sector partnerships. See twitter.com/EDFEnergyEX; facebook.com/EnvDefenseFund; and http://blogs.edf.org/texasenergyexchange/.